17 reasons why!

the L word season 4 episode 12 (last part)

Tina: (typing an apology to Jodi on Bette's Blackberry)
"Dear Jodi. When I am scared, I micromanage.
When I am uncertain, I overstate.
And when I am challenged, I", uh, "belittle and... lash out.
" (sighs and glances at Bette) "And when I love someone, I try to put her in a box.
" Should I send it?
Bette: yes.. ok go for it.. (she looks kind of optimistic)

Paige: You know that Shane and is... my girlfriend.
(No response from Jared.)
Paige: You do know that?
Jared: Yeah. So?
Shane: Well, we wanna make sure that you're OK with that.
Paige: OK with us being girlfriends and spending a lot of time together and really, really caring about--
Jared: Aww, mom! I already told you: I don't want you to be a lez. (looking at Shane) I already know that you are but I don't want my mom to be one.

Bette: (fleeing the scene before the security guard catches them)
We're coming down.
Shane: Yeah, hurry up.
Bette: (to Alice) Okay, come on, come on, let's go.
(Alice's jacket gets caught on a circular metal chimney.)
Alice: Oh, God! I'm stuck!
(Bette get back to help Alice, while Alice continues to struggle.)
Alice: Go without me! Leave me behind, it's okay! Save yourselves!

Opening Teaser:
Bette is walking through a flea market.
All around her kids are running around her with balloon animals but Bette is looking really sad.
She stops to listen to a female blues singer (Toshi Reagon) perform a mournful blues song with her acoustic guitar.
Bette leans in to drop few bills in the singer's open guitar case.
As she gets up, she sees a huge metallic sign on the roof that reads "17 Reasons Why!"
She has some revelation about the sign and the frown on her face changes into a hopeful smile.
The connection: Bette decides to take down the sign and bring it to Jodi to New York as a way to express how much she wants her back.

We finally find out Papi's real name: it's Eva Torres.
In episode 3-9: Lead, Follow, Or Get Out of the Way, Carmen said that the reason she didn't go to her high school prom was that she was at a porn festival with a girl named Eva Torres who taught her how to sixty-nine.

Detta var season 4 episode 12 (last part) Jag skrev av vad dem sa i tre scener. Hade inget annat att göra så, va gör man inte för att "Kill some time" jag tycker endå att det är kul så.

Sen är det en massa bra och vackra låtar som är med i varje episod.
Dessa var med i detta avsnittet.

Music Featured in This Episode:
- How Long by Toshi Reagon
- We've Got to Get Ourselves Together by The Staple Singers
- Action by Bomber
- Drinking by Isaac Hayes
- Portrait of an Artist As a Young Woman (Thank You) by Lizzie West & the White Buffalo
- C'mon DJ by Mr. Airplane Man
- Commit a Crime by Mr. Airplane Man
- 6 in the Morning by Client
- Before We Begin by Broadcast
- Dear Mr. President by Pink feat. Indigo Girls

Ja skitfina låtar.
"Thank you by Lizzie West"
"Dear Mr. President by Pink" <3

Kommer in med fler episoder..

Nu ska man kolla på the L word.. igen och lipa som en gris till det sista avsnittet (12) när Bette kommer med skylten till Jodi. och sen så återförenas de i en kyss. Jag lipar så jag tror att hela kroppen ska torka ut!


Bilden är på skylten som Bette hade med sig till Jodi. den va fan inte liten kan jag meddela och jag blev paff när jag hittade den på Google. men det är exakt den skylten. (så romantiskt)


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